VFP2IIS Documentation Support Company


VFP2IIS  License

VFP2IIS program, documentation and demo files included are provided "as is", without any warranty whatsoever. You use the software at your own risk. PRO-EKO Ostrava spol. s r.o. disclaims all warranties and conditions, either express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will PRO-EKO Ostrava spol. s r.o. be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, even if PRO-EKO has been advised of the possibility of such damages. You agree not to obtain or use the software in any state or country that does not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages.

Warning - The use of VFP2IIS in conjunction with a VFP application alters the rights restrictions of the WEB application and its use without protection in user application can become an object for attack of hackers.

With SERVER license you get a VFP2IIS.KEY file. This file can be used on one server only and must not be distributed. This file contains information about the type of license, SN and owner of license.

With DEVELOPER license you get one VFP2IIS.KEY This file can be used on one server only and must not be distributed. This file contain information about the type of license, SN and owner of license. Unlike SERVER license you obtain additional "Activation key" number valid for your SN. In your WEB application you can invoke License method of VFP2IIS object with your SN and activation key to unlock restriction in VFP2IIS. In this manner you can free distribute your WEB application with FREE version of VFP2IIS and dynamically unlock it for your application. Activation key must be used in compiled VFP application, and can not be distributed and used for general activation of VFP2IIS (other than your application).

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